Make Your Own Nontoxic Bug Spray

Make Your Own Nontoxic Bug Spray

HEYYYYY, when I say "mosquitos", you say "the worst!"

Mosquitos! (THE WORST!) Mosquitos! (THE WORST!)

Yeah, no one really likes them. 

Today, I have an inexpensive and effective bug spray recipe you can make at home that contains healthy, clean ingredients. I've got three different ways you can make it based on your preferences or what you have around the house.

Let's get to it!

Citronella plant

Essential Oil Bug Spray #1: Oil-based

This is the least expensive option and the one you can most likely make right meow because, if you're into oils, you likely have most of these ingredients.

Because this first recipe is oil-based, it will last at least a year if stored properly (cool, dark place - aka, not outside in the hot, summer sun).

A brief note on carrier oil - anything will do. However, I recommend fractionated coconut oil (liquid/MCT oil), jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil because these oils are lightweight and less greasy than other oils. My favorite is fractionated coconut oil and jojoba for many reasons that I might get into in another blog post. But for now, BUG SPRAY!

To make a 2 ounce bottle of bug spray, gather:

  • 2 ounce glass or PET plastic spray bottle
  • 2 ounces carrier oil of choice 
  • 6 drops each of: Clove, Peppermint, Spearmint, Citronella, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass essential oil.

Here are the easy steps:

  • In a small glass container or cup, add six drops of each essential oil (see note above if you're missing any). Gently swirl the EOs together.

  • Pour the carrier oil into your spray bottle, then add the EOs on top.
  • Cap the bottle, and give it a healthy shake. That's it!


Peppermint plant


Essential Oil Bug Spray #2: Alcohol-based

This next recipe is also shelf stable based on the carrier: ethanol alcohol. To effectively solubilize the essential oils, you'll need 190 proof grain alcohol, such as Everclear. If you're unable to find that, 151 proof can work fairly well, though many essential oils won't solubilize as easily. It's still a much better alternative to distilled water, which, on its own, will not dissolve the oils - they'll always remain separate liquids. 

The one drawback to this recipe is that it can be drying to the skin. If you're not overusing your bug spray, this most likely won't bother you. But for those with especially dry skin, you might try the other recipes first.

To make a 2 ounce bottle of bug spray, gather:

  • 2 ounce glass or PET plastic spray bottle
  • 2 ounces 190-proof ethanol alcohol 
  • 6 drops each: Clove, Peppermint, Citronella, Spearmint, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass

Here are the easy steps:

  • In a small glass container or cup, add six drops of each essential oil (see note above if you're missing any). Gently swirl the EOs together.

  • Pour the alcohol into your spray bottle, then add the EOs on top.

  • Cap the bottle, and shake for at least 20 seconds to ensure all the oils are solubilizing. You're done!


Eucalyptus plant

Essential Oil Bug Spray #3: Water + Solubol

This last version is my favorite! It creates a lightweight spray that doesn't stain clothing, and there's no greasiness whatsoever because it doesn't contain any carrier oil! It's also not drying at all to the skin.

It will most likely require you to buy something: Solubol. Solubol is a natural emulsifier that allows you to create water-based products with essential oils. Using Solubol, you can effectively disperse your EOs throughout the bug spray without the use of carrier oil or high-proof alcohol. 

Similar conventional solubilizers, such as Polysorbate 80, work similarly and are very effective. However, they are made up of less desirable ingredients for your skin and health. You can find purchase Solubol through Aromatics International for about $15 here.

Note: this version contains no preservative, so you will want to use up your bug spray within about three weeks. 

To make a 2 ounce bottle of bug spray, gather:

  • 2 ounce glass or PET plastic spray bottle
  • 2 ounces distilled water
  • Solubol (144 drops total)
  • 6 drops each: Clove, Peppermint, Citronella, Spearmint, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass

Here are the easy steps:

  • In a small glass container or cup, add six drops of each essential oil (see note above if you're missing any). Gently swirl the EOs together.

  • Add 144 drops of Solubol (4:1 ratio). Mix well by gently swirling or a clean utensil.

  • Pour the distilled water into your spray bottle, then add the EO and Solubol mixture on top.

  • Cap the bottle, and shake for at least 20 seconds to ensure all the oils are solubilizing. Hooray!


How freaking cool are you, making your own bug spray?!?

Tell me which of the three recipes you'll try! How did you like it? Tell me in the comments below!

Until next time, ✌🏼 peace y'all,



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